
Left Shift operator

The bitwise Left Shift operator is an essential operator in computer science and digital electronics,
used to manipulate data at the bit level.
This operator is represented by the symbol << in most programming languages.
It performs a binary Left Shift operation on a binary number,
shifting the bits of the number to the left by a specified number of positions.

How It Works:

The left shift operator works by moving each bit of its operand to the left.
The bit positions on the right are filled with zeros. Each left shift effectively multiplies the number by 2.


For example, consider the 8-bit binary number 11001010:
- Left shifting by 1 position: 10010100
- Left shifting by 2 positions: 00101000
- Left shifting by 3 positions: 01010000


The left shift operator is commonly used in various applications such as:
- Efficiently performing multiplication by powers of 2.
- Encoding and decoding data.
- Implementing arithmetic operations in low-level programming.

Handling Overflow:

One crucial aspect to consider when using the left shift operator is overflow.
Since the left shift operation increases the value of the number, it may exceed the bit-width of the data type,
causing the most significant bits to be lost. This needs to be carefully managed to avoid unexpected results.